< Highlighting Test />

Rendered in the ayu colorscheme using prismjs.


// This is some random code I got off the internet. I didn't write it, and I have no idea where it's from.
fn main() -> ! {
    if let (Some(p), Some(cp)) = (stm32::Peripherals::take(), Peripherals::take()) {
        // Constrain clocking registers
        let mut flash = p.FLASH;
        let mut rcc = p.RCC.configure().sysclk(48.mhz()).freeze(&mut flash);
        let gpioa = p.GPIOA.split(&mut rcc);

        /* (Re-)configure PA7 as output */
        let ws_data_pin =
            cortex_m::interrupt::free(move |cs| gpioa.pa7.into_push_pull_output_hs(cs));

        let timer = Timer::tim1(p.TIM1, MegaHertz(3), &mut rcc);

        // Get delay provider
        let mut delay = Delay::new(cp.SYST, &mut rcc);

        let mut ws = Ws2812::new(timer, ws_data_pin);
        let mut data: [RGB8; 3] = [RGB8::default(); 3];
        let empty: [RGB8; 3] = [RGB8::default(); 3];

        data[0] = RGB8 {
            r: 0,
            g: 0,
            b: 0x10,
        data[1] = RGB8 {
            r: 0,
            g: 0x10,
            b: 0,
        data[2] = RGB8 {
            r: 0x10,
            g: 0,
            b: 0,

        loop {
            delay.delay_ms(10 as u16);
            delay.delay_ms(10 as u16);
    loop {


import Nav from "@/components/Nav.tsx";
import { ComponentChildren } from "preact";
import Controls from "@/components/Controls.tsx";
import { Head } from "$fresh/src/runtime/head.ts";

export default function Layout({
}: {
  route: string;
  children: ComponentChildren;
}) {
  function title() {
    const sliced = route.slice(1);
    const title = sliced.length > 0 ? sliced : "cubething";
    return (
      <h1 class="text-5xl text-center pb-8 font-bold font-header text-rose-500 dark:text-amber-500 lowercase">
        {`< ${title} />`}
  return (
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/svg.css" />

      <main class="dark:bg-zinc-900 dark:text-zinc-100 ">
        <div class="mx-auto flex max-w-screen-lg min-h-screen">
          <Nav route={route} />
          <article class="max-w-screen-md px-16 pt-8 md:mx-auto">
          <Controls />


fileType="$(file "$1" | grep -o 'text')"
if [ "$fileType" == 'text' ]; then
    echo -en "\033[1m"
    echo -en "\033[31m"
cat $1
echo -en "\033[0m"

Nerd Font

  .git
  ayu-colors
  ✗ components
  ✗ deps
  ✗ islands
  models
  ✗ routes
  ✗ ★ static
   .gitignore
   .gitmodules
   ★ cspell.json
   deno.json
   deno.lock
   deploy.sh
   dev.ts
  󰡨 Dockerfile
   import_map.json
   main.ts
   README.md
   ✗ twind.config.ts